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Admin select2.css affecting other plugins

  • Is there a way to stop the AFC Pro admin css from being loaded on every screen within the WP admin panel – the styling is specifically affecting other plugins and pages that use Select2 for selectbox form replacement.

    The file im referring to is /advanced-custom-fields-pro/inc/select2/select2.css?ver=5.1.5, but in fact all AFC css is loaded

    This only happen with AFC Pro, not the free version.

    Any guidance would be appreciated.


  • Hi @dcooney

    There was a bug on version 5.1.5 that was affecting the loading of select2 I believe this is related.

    The bug was fixed on the next update 5.1.6.

    You can also use the acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts action to register / deregister / enqueue / dequeue styles

    You can check out more info on this action here:

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