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Adding User Form field to woocommerce Email

  • Hi
    Im struggling to add a field i have created to woocoomerce email. The field appears under the users profile in WordPress. Its an internal name that we use to distinguish customers and is entered by an admin. – This all works fine.

    I cannot get this field to appear in our admin-new-order email.
    field name is escentia_internal

    I have tried code snippets for both functions file and woocommerce email template. All result in an error on front end.
    One example below.
    // Get the $order ID (WooCommerce version compatibility)
    if ( version_compare( WC_VERSION, ‘3.0’, ‘<‘ ) ) {
    $order_id = int_val( $order->id ); // Older than 3.0
    } else {
    $order_id = int_val( $order->get_id() ); // 3.0+

    $internal = get_field(‘escentia_internal’, $order_id );

    if( $internal ){
    echo ‘<p>’ . $internal . ‘</p>’;

    Your help would be greatly appreciated

  • The field is attached to the user (on user profile page), not the order.

    To get the field from the user you need the user ID
    get_field('escentia_internal', 'user_'.$user_id)

    that being said, I have no idea how to get the user ID wherever it is that you are trying to add code.

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