I’m trying to add a text field/area to a woo commerce product. The product has one set of variations where a customer can pick the size they want. After that I want a text box for them to enter comments about their order(in this case it’s a custom order). Now I’m a complete beginner at all of this, so I know nothing about code etc. I’m just trying to create a text area and put it on this particular product. I read the documentation but for a beginner/inexperienced person like me it’s not very helpful in what describing what needs to be done to create a field and add it to a product or page.
Right now in my field groups I have on entry. It has the Title. Field label = custom_text. Field name = custom_text. Field type = Text. In location I have post equal to “my product name”
After that I have no idea what to do to get it to show up under my product name.
Hi @blb078
Can you please attach a screenshot of the entire field group setting page?
Also, does the field appear when editing a product?
I see the custom section when I go to edit a product.
Hi @blb078
If the custom field is showing on the correct product edit screen, then I don’t understand what the issue is.
Perhaps you meant to say that you don’t know how to load and display the cusotm field value on the front end of your website when viewing a product?
Please read the docs starting with the getting started
chapter to learn about the get_field
and the_field