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adding Shortcodes with a repeater field

  • Hi,
    I’m stuck with this. I’m trying to create a code with ACF repeater field that will add automatically new shortcodes to WordPress. These shortcodes are meant to add or remove a block of text depending on date period.
    This is my code (working) for only one shortcode and no repeater field:

    function expirationFunction( $atts, $content) {
      $dateDebut = get_field('shortcode_date_debut','option');
      $dateFin = get_field('shortcode_date_fin','option');
      $dateDujour = date("Y-m-d");
      if( $dateDebut <= $dateDujour && $dateFin >= $dateDujour ){
        return $content;
        return '';
    add_shortcode('expiration', 'expirationFunction');

    So whenever I add the [expiration] shortcode to a block of text and determine start and end dates in the page options, it will show or not this block of text. This is working fine.

    But what I want is the ability to create new shortcodes without having to always copy the same code. I was thinking of a Repeater field and this is what I have so far (not working):

    if( have_rows('ajouter_shortcode','option') ):
        while ( have_rows('ajouter_shortcode','option') ) : the_row();
        $expFunc = function() use ($content) {
            $nomShortcode = get_sub_field('nom_shortcode','option');
            $dateDebut = get_sub_field('dateDebut','option');
            $dateFin = get_sub_field('dateFin','option');
            $dateDujour = date("Y-m-d");
            if( $dateDebut <= $dateDujour && $dateFin >= $dateDujour ){
              return $content;
              return '';
        add_shortcode( $nomShortcode, $expFunc );
    else :

    Any idea on how to get this to work?

    Thanks for your help!

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