I recently took over the web management duties as the previous person had left and I was hoping to get some guidance in where I need to look to add options to a Post Object field. I’m able to get the field option to appear in pages but I can’t seem to find where to add options to it. I tried comparing pages with fields that are already working as intended but when I can’t seem to find the differences in the pages. I’ll attach the image below of what I see. These pages are under the same collection of pages that are affected by the Custom Fields rules.
(1) Working as intended with options available to be selected. (Names are whited out due to privacy)

(2) No options available in field. Under the same set of pages as the page above.

Our website is running WordPress version 5.5.3 and we are using Custom Fields version 5.6.10.
Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.