Hi folks.. I have a question. I am using the theme Creativo and I’d like to use ACF to add special artist-related fields to the Clients section (such as artist type, singer, instrument, etc). I tried to have them the field group show up when posttype is Clients. But the Clients section is unchanged.
Am I mistaking what ACF is for?
Hi there,
If i understand your problem: you can see your fields in back-office but not in front ?
If you want to add content with ACF, you’ll have to modify your “Client template” file.
The fields you add in back-end are not active in front, until you add them in your templates.
If you’re used to child theme, it’s pretty basic:
1) copy the template you want to modify in your child theme (with the same directory path).
2) Use ACF functions to get you values (get_field() and get_sub_field() functions do the work).
3) Add your new $values in your template.
Let me know if it helps,