I’m trying to query a custom field ‘blog_category_id’ that I added to a ‘shows’ post type, this is going to display a series of blog posts based on the blog category id.
<?php $blog_category_id = get_field('blog_category_id');
if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
Is what I’ve tried to use but it isn’t working properly, however, I’ve echo’d $blog_category_id and it displays the proper number so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here.. I’ve included a pastebin with the entire pages code: http://pastebin.com/Ly8aZzPY
I’ll try and explain what this full page is supposed to be doing:
The page displays all of the ‘show’ content type posts, inside of each post it grabs a user filled field blog_category_id and displays the 4 most recent blog posts from that category.
Help is greatly appreciated, thank you!
Hi @Klikster
I think the issue is that you are using the query_posts function within a custom WP_Query loop. Why have you mixed both ways to query posts?
I would always use the WP_Query method, never the query_posts.
Good luck,
Hi Elliot,
I’m a pretty novice coder so I don’t really understand the difference between them. I’ll try updating it to WP_Query and post back here if I need more assistance? Thanks. 🙂