I have an Image, that gives the photographer credit, that I would like to be able show depending on the Photograph. Is there a way to set it up so that when I select a “Choice” field that the photo credit will show depending on the choice? Ex: Radio button “Give credit to Photographer: ” yes | no. And the Image has to link to the Photographers web site.
I don’t think what you’re looking for is possible with a single field. I would probably do something like the following.
You would need your Yes/No field.
If the image can be different then you’d need an image field and a URL field. These would be conditional fields that only show if you’ve selected “yes” in the above field.
In the template you’d need to test the yes/no field and then display or not display the image and link base on whether it is yes or no.
After some more thought, you could add custom fields to the image attachment itself.
Location: Attachment : is equal to : all
and then you can use the attachment id to get the data for the specific image. More information is here: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/how-to-get-values-from-a-media-attachment/ specifically the section on “Retrieve from another image custom field”
Thank you for your help. I ended up just using a true/false custom field with an if/else statement. Being it was only on one custom post type I just added the php in post type.
<?php if( get_field('image4') ) { echo "Photo's taken by: <a href='http://www.sample.com/'><img src='http://photolinkhere.jpg' /></a>"; } else{} ?>