Hi all,
I’m having a problem when adding a 6th custom post type. When I do this, it replaces a post type that already exists in the admin menu, and that post type then becomes inaccessible (via wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=custom_post_type) for example, which leads me to think it may be deeper than simply a menu position issue. All post types remain in the ACF menu, and I can edit their properties still.
Has anybody had this issue?
This should not have anything to do with ACF since ACF has nothing to do with adding custom post types.
Try deactivating ACF and see if the problem persists.
Deactivate other plugins.
How are you adding post types?
@hube2 Please accept my apologies, I wasn’t paying attention and have now just seen I was adding post types using this plugin which is indeed nothing to do with ACF. Mistakenly I thought it was one of the official add-ons for ACF. Thanks for your help however.
Is closing this thread something I can do?
I’ve seen it before but have never used it. You should ask for support form the author of that plugin.