1. I use PopularFX as my WorPress theme
2. PopularFX theme uses Pagelayer as its editor
3. Single.php is the file that displays my posts through PopularFX
4. I have successfully edited the PopularFX single.php template by adding shortcodes. For example [acf field="price"] which displays correctly – no problem there
5. I need to display the field labels along with their values as line items on after the other.
6. I found your get_field php codes at: https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/modify-shortcode-to-display-field-label/
7. QUESTION 1: Please tell me the exact line, within the single.php template, I need to add this php code? So that on load, the PopularFX single.php template displays the ACF field Group fields and their respective labels in my post.
8. QUESTION 2: Using WPCode plug-in (sorry), I grabbed the shortcode for the code in step 6, pasted it into my PopularFX single template but the page shows as blank when it loads. Can you help with this?
9. I am very frustrated 🙂 Please help.