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Add row when update field

  • Hi everybody,

    I try to add multiple row calculate by a start date and a end date this work good, but when i click for the second time on publish, the new row created update the last row and don’t add the new row after the last row. When i click on publish i would like to associate a group on the rows created with a number incremented.

    The code :

    <?if(have_rows('dates_list', $post_id)) : 
    				// Start 	= field_58aec622cb824 
    				// Stop 	= field_58aec632cb825	 
    				// Location = field_593a4c7708257
    				// Location Url = field_592d352d92940
    				$date 				= array();
    				$date['start'] 		= strtotime($_POST['acf']['field_593f9ba8c38c3']); 
    				$date['stop'] 		= strtotime($_POST['acf']['field_593f9bf5c38c4']); 
    				$location 			= $_POST['acf']['field_593f9c0cc38c5'];
    				$website_url 		= $_POST['acf']['field_593f9c2cc38c6'];
    				$compteur 				= array();
    				$compteur['number'] = $_POST['acf']['field_593e9e67be628'];
    				if ($_POST['acf']['field_593e9e67be628'] == NULL) {
    					$compteur['number'] = 0;
    				$datediff 	= $date['stop'] - $date['start'];
    				$days 		= floor($datediff / (60 * 60 * 24));
    				if($days > 0) : 
    					for( $i = 0 ; $i <= $days ; $i++ ) : 
    						$date = new DateTime( $_POST['acf']['field_593f9ba8c38c3'] );
    						$date->modify('+'.$i.' day');
    						$next_date = $date->format('Ymd');
    						// dates sub array 
    						// field_578e9306be4ca = location 
    						// field_578e92cdbe4c7 = date 
    						$row[] 	= array('field_578e92cdbe4c7' => $next_date, 'field_593aac5ff4f67' => $location, 'field_592d356a92941' => $website_url, 'field_593e9e67be628' => $compteur);  
    						$add 	= add_row('field_578e92a1be4c6', $row);
    						update_field('field_578e92a1be4c6', $row, $post_id);
    			// endforeach; 
    		// endif; 

    Thank for the help.


  • Hi, it’s ok now but i have a new problem :

    i need to check if the “current_value” is equal to “test-selecteur” and add selected to the equal value.

    I think i need have a loop in Jquery to compare and add selected to the correct value.

    Thank you for help

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