I have a repeater field which as option to select image, link, some text for the button, button & option to display logo (yes, no). Everything works fine but for the link field I need to add the option to link to a product as well as the page/post/jobs/location but when I select products from the list and view the options I get a blank screen. It breaks the options field and the product link is not showing under the link drop down only the option to link to page / post is there.
Is this because we may have too many products – (using WooCommerce)
It’s possible I suppose..
Try switching to relationship field (you can set max value to 1). The relationship field uses ajax so you should be fine even if you have thousands of products.. It’ll also give you the ability to search for a product by name which could be a bit nicer than having to search through a 5 mile long dropdown 🙂