I want to add flexible content sub field from front end. I need to add multiple fields to same field key. I tried it using update_field() and update_sub_field() but didn’t worked.Can someone help me with this
are you trying to update the field’s content or add a new field?
Hi John,
Both.I need to add and update flexible sub field content.
Well, first the field has to exist.
You might try this https://www.mootpoint.org/blog/create-acf-field-programmatically-permanently-in-database/
once the field is created then add_row() or update_sub_field() is probably what you are looking for.
Thanks John,
That helped me a lot.
Is it possible to save multiple values for same field key from frontend. ie saving flexible content multiple sub fields for same field key.
I don’t know what you mean by
multiple values for same field key
Please find the link.
I tried to add values to repeatedly created group multiple times with same key from frontend but that didnt worked.