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Add download link to input in gallery field (backend)

  • Hi all,

    I use gallery field to store multiple file type, never used in frontend because it’s an admin working area. If someone put a picture in the field everything is fine because I can directly see the picture, but if it’s another file type I have to clik on the modify button to get the file link and copy it in my browser to read it.

    So, I want to add directly in the acf gallery field in the aside attachement data, near the modify and delete links, a download link.

    Does Someone know how I can edit this field parts ? And add the link by getting the href of the current attachement ?

    I don’t find how to add the html in this specific area.


  • I solved the tropic by myself (and with the Help of John based on another tropics), so if someone had the same issue :

    // Add a AJAX action to get attachement URL by ID in JS
    add_action( 'wp_ajax_get_media_url', 'get_media_url' );
    add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_get_media_url', 'get_media_url' );
    function get_media_url() {
    	if ( isset( $_POST['att_id'] )) {
    		$attachement_id = $_POST['att_id'];
    		$attachement_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachement_id );
    		echo $attachement_url;
    	} else  {
    		echo '#';
    // JS to add the download link
    function acf_gallery_download_link() {
    	if ( !is_admin() ) { return; }?>
    	<script type='text/javascript'>
    			( function ( $ ) { $( document ).ready( function () {
    				// Add download link to attachement on hover
    				$('.acf-gallery-attachment').each(function(i, item){			
    					var attachement_id = $(this).attr("data-id");
    					var data = {
    					     'action': 'get_media_url',
    					     'att_id': attachement_id,
    					$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response){
    						var attachement_url = response;
    						$(item).children(".actions").children(".acf-gallery-remove").before('<a class="acf-icon -see dark" href="'+ attachement_url +'" target="_blank" data-id="'+attachement_id+'" title="Toto">Toto</a>');					
    				// Add download link to gallery side data
    				acf.addAction('append', function( $el ){
    					var attachement_id = $el.find(".actions").children(".acf-gallery-edit").attr("data-id");
    					var data = {
    						'action': 'get_media_url',
    						'att_id': attachement_id,
    					$.post(ajaxurl, data, function(response){
    					     var attachement_url = response;
    					     $el.find(".actions").children(".acf-gallery-edit").before('<a href="'+ attachement_url +'" target="_blank" class="acf-gallery-see" data-id="'+attachement_id+'">See</a>');					
    		}( jQuery ) );
    add_action( 'admin_footer', 'acf_gallery_download_link' );
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