Hey everyone,
sorry I wasn’t sure in which Forum to put this.
So I have a Custom Post Type (Events/Termine). Each post under Events has Custom Fields, they are are the same, just textarea-fields.
Is there any way that I could add a button to the Custom Post Type that allows the creation of a new field right at the post? The field would just have to be the same as the other ones.
I tried adding a field group to my Custom Post Type that contains a button-group with a button for ‘create new event’ and then added this as a Code Snippet
(please be patient if this is horrible, I am very much a newbie to programming :))
if( get_field('termin_hinzufuegen') == 'Neuen Termin hinzufügen' ) {
acf_add_local_field( array(
'key' => 'field_' . uniqid(),
'label' => 'Termin',
'name' => 'termin_' . uniqid(),
'type' => 'textarea',
'parent' => $group_key,
) );
Neuen Termin hinzufügen = Add new Event (Termin is Event).
I could obviously not get it to work and now I am stuck.
Does anyone have any idea how this could possibly work?
Ideally I would also add an option for deleting fields again in the same way – thought of adding a select item that pulls the field values of the current post for choosing which one to delete.
Thanks so much!
The field will only exist when the code it run. For the field to remain the field definition must exist in a file that is loaded every time the page is loaded. What you are trying to do is not possible without making the field a permanent part of the field group.
What you are describing is what repeater fields are for.