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Add autocomplete to select tag

  • Hey Elliot, could you add ‘autocomplete=”off”‘ to the select field’s attributes in the next version of ACF? The site I’m working at the moment has a custom post type with an advanced custom field backend, and then through code I’m changing the values for the post type in the front end in a custom form, but occasionally I was getting an annoying problem where users in the wordpress backend would get a cached version of some of the fields, hit save and overwrite what the frontend user had done.

    After a bit of digging I realized it was actually just the Select fields that are doing this, and found this article,

    which explained what was going on. Added the attribute directly into the plugin, and the problem was fixed!

    Not sure why that is occurring, I can’t see anywhere that states that autocomplete is supported on a Select. (I’m using Firefox 26 btw) I don’t think there are any downsides by adding this in.


  • Hi @Phillip,

    Thanks for taking the time to investigate this issue and request a feature. I have added it to our report for Elliots attention.

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