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Action Hooks for acf_form()

  • It would be great to have some do_action() calls within the acf_form() function. Using the built in WordPress hooks you can insert content into the form on the Admin, however it is not possible to do this on the front end. Users must specify the html_before_fields and html_after_fields however it is not possible for plugins to affect the output this way.

    Similarly it would be great to to be able to filter the $args that are passed in to the method.

    Currently having to write javascript to wp_head and then appending the form on the client side which is less than idea.


  • +1 for this! You can for instance remove “add media” buttons, but not using acf_form ?

    function mytheme_RemoveAddMediaButtonsForNonAdmins()

    remove_action( ‘media_buttons’, ‘media_buttons’ );

    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘mytheme_RemoveAddMediaButtonsForNonAdmins’);

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