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acf_form with post_id return blank form

  • Hello,

    First of all, I start with ACF. I read dozen of topics without find a lead.

    I try to create a frontend page for edit/update some fields on posts.

    I am already blocked to display the post content on a acf_form(). When I set post_id and field_groups, the function display a blank form.

    Here is my code :

            'post_id'       => 4314,
            'field_groups' => array('group_64379ca545818'),
            'submit_value'  => __('Mettre à jour')

    acf_form_head() is call before get_header().

    Any idea ?

  • Maybe check your field group reference? Try using the post ID of the field group. You can see it in the URL when editing the field group.

  • Yes, it solve the call. Thanks !

    Do you know why some time (or all time ?) the function don’t work with the key ?

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