Hello @elliot,
I am using ACF v5 to submit a form from the front-end.
I am having the form display the form fields by creating an array of “field_abcdef” values.
Right now, when you leave “post_id” blank, it is adding these fields and values to the post that the form is being displayed on. That’s correct functionality.
However, I am trying to add these to the options page, but from the front end.
When I use “options” as the “post_id” value, it does indeed add the value to the options table, however, it adds it with the prefix of whatever post_id is. So for example, a row would be added to options as “options_my_cf_for_options” when the actual cf is just labaled “my_cf_for_options.”
If I changed it to “opt” it would then add it as “opt_my_cf_for_options.”
So, the desired functionality is there, which is adding the entry to the options table, but its prefixing the post_id value. To use “get field” or even the core “get_option” I am having to add the prefix.
I am assuming this isn’t intended. Thanks for the good work.