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acf_form() option fields

  • I try to show on frontent a form, based on a ACF fields group, but I want to show only one fields of this group.
    My code:
    ‘field_groups’ => array(’31’),
    ‘fields’ => array(‘field_55fbd2ec6359f’)
    Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in Z:\home\localhost\www\307-18\068-wp-brief\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields\core\api.php on line 1185

    Option ‘fields’ is not ready. Why?

  • Version 4 of ACF does not include the options for specifying individual fields. That option is only available for ACF 5 (Pro) at this time.

    In ACF 4 the only way to accomplish this would be to have a field group with only the single field that you want to have in the form.

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