Within the $options of acf_form() it would be nice to have an exclude parameter. That way you could easily set certain fields to not display on a front end from.
Has an option like this been implemented yet?
Not that I can see, but you can specifically include certain fields, which can be cumbersome but works for now.
Thanks. Oddly enough, I don’t see any examples of how the ‘fields’ array should be formatted. I do know what my field keys are but, from reading the acf_form docuementation, I have no idea how to add those keys using the fields array.
Yeah, it’s not a great doc.
In your options array, you would format it like this: 'fields' => array('key_123', 'key_321'),
You can find the key for your fields by going to the admin screen for where you edit the fields and click “Screen Options” from the top right and select “Field Keys”. That will show you the key for each field.
Here’s a nice graphic that shows it: http://thestizmedia.com/show-field-keys-acf-pro/
Excellent, that worked for me. Thanks!