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ACF5 Pro and wp-wysiwyg?

  • Hi 🙂
    Very pleased with the look and feel of ACF5 PRO – but running into difficulties updating existing setup. We have some premium addons in use.

    We have implemented a flexible content field with a wp-wysiwyg field, which disappears upon upgrading to ACF5. The wp-wysiwyg read-me indicates compatibility for ACF4 and up.

    I have tried change over to the wysiwyg field, which seems to work (as long as I don’t save in between which results in lost content), but it is a step back in ‘native look and feel editor’ (which I assume was the whole reason for providing wp-wysiwyg).

    What is the position on this please? If ACF5 is not meant to work with wp-wysiwyg then we have to go through these upgrade pains – if it is supposed to work however then I rather hold off upgrading a bit.


    Hi guys.

    Thanks for your patience. I’ll get this field compatible with ACF5 hopefully today


  • Hi guys.

    I’ve just finished up adding compatibility with ACF5!


  • Thanks for the update Elliot! On my way testing my upgrade 🙂

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