I want to custom the toolbar of my WYSIWYG field in WP with ACF. So i’m using this filter : https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/customize-the-wysiwyg-toolbars/
But now, I want to custom an other WYSIWYG in WP.
Example :
First WYSIWYG has only <b> / <p> / <h1>
Second WYSIWYG has only <a> / <h2>
Is it possible to pass a parameter to the filter to apply the rule to another WYSIWYG ? (Like this : https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-fields-post_object-result/)
I hope you understand what I mean 🙂
Thanks a lot !
I looked in the source code, and there isn’t a filter based on ‘key’ or ‘fieldname’ for the acf/fields/wysiwyg/toolbars filter.
And truthfully, I couldn’t get it to work by itself. I will dig deeper.
Hi and thanks for your message !
I hope that you will find a trick 🙂