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ACF with DAM instead of the WP Mediathek

  • Has anyone an other DAM (digital asset management) instead of the WP Mediathek with ACF fields in use? For example Recource Space (

    I think actually about the field types image, image-crop, file, maybe gallery field.

    Is this possible, or must be for this an own ACF-fieldtype created?

  • I’m not sure what you are asking exactly but I did create a DAM for a client. I created a custom post type and then created my ACF fields and created a custom template for it.

    I also created a smaller DAM version for another client. Which I used a standard post and depending on the category it would show the relevant DAM acf fields. Then used a shortcode to display the DAM category.

  • After my long research: dont’t do it. Will use an enhanced Import in the WP Mediathek.

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