Hi all, new here. I have a question and hope you can help.
Maybe ACF is the wrong tool, but i want to make a unique wordpress user role and custom profile that comes with it. I thought ACF could help with the custom fields for the profile. So ive made a field group and added all the fields. So far so good. Set it to show for the new user role and again, it shows in the admin area. However, i cant get it to show frontend.
I’d like the visitor with that role, to see the info on their account page and edit the profile if needed. Is there any way to use ACF for this, to make that work?
Of maybe i need a completely other way to realise these needs?
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Hey ACF team, could someone please answer this post.
This is do-able with ACF however, you will need to create a template for the user profiles so that the information is viewable on the front end of the site.