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ACF Update multiple fields and multiple posts

  • I am trying to copy content from old flexible layouts to new flexible layouts. For example, I have two flexible layouts called image media and one called video media. They each have multiple fields such as gallery, title, description, etc. I created new a new media layouts within in the flexible content that I would like to copy all of this content over on several pages.

    I would like to:

    1. Add new layout rows
    2. Move the content of the old layouts to the new layouts on 67 pages.

    I have a successful PHP function that is however unreliable and I’m not sure if what I’m doing is the best way of doing what I need done. I have copied the function below, but a general summary of what I’m doing:

    1. Grab all the pages with the proper template name using global $wpdb and get_posts()
    2. Loop through the flexible content field and find the layout row for the **old content** and creating a new array for each page storing this data
    3. Passing the new data and new flexible layout name I want to add to a function I’ve created
    4. Using ACF update_field() to update 67 pages
    5. I am then calling this function by using add_action( 'acf/init', 'update_acf_image_section' )

    The issue I’m having is that is sometimes creates duplicate layout rows and I’m not confident enough in this function to push to production.

    Here is a sample of my code:

    add_action( 'acf/init', 'update_acf_image_section' );
    function update_acf_image_section() {
      $pages                = get_acf_template( 'template-name', 67 );  // this uses get_posts();
      $procedure_layout_key = 'field_KEY';
      foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
        $loop = 0;
        $i               = 0;
        $layouts_data    = get_field_object( $procedure_layout_key, $page->ID );
        $image_values    = false;
        $image_galleries = [];
        if ( have_rows( 'procedure_child_layout', $page->ID ) ) :
          while ( have_rows( 'procedure_child_layout', $page->ID ) ) : the_row();
            if ( 'procedure_child_media_gallery' === get_row_layout() ) {
              $type = get_sub_field( 'media_type', $page->ID );
              if ( 'image' === $type && 0 === $loop ) {
                if ( get_sub_field( 'title', $page->ID ) ) {
                  $image_title = get_sub_field( 'title', $page->ID );
                $image_values = array(
                  'acf_fc_layout'             => 'image_gallery',
                  'image_gallery_title'       => $image_title,
                  'image_gallery_description' => $image_descript,
                  'image_gallery_button_link' => $image_button_text,
                  'image_gallery_button_text' => $image_button_link,
                  'image_disclaimer_text'     => $image_disclaimer,
                  'image_galleries'           => $image_galleries,
                $row = $i + 1;
        if ( $image_values && 0 ) {
        	get_acf_values(...); // this uses acf update_field()
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