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ACF Taxonomy Filtering

  • Hi,

    I’m interested in this :

    I’m working with ACF and Taxonomies, and I don’t find, in the documentation, something that allows me to filter the Taxonomies by the values stored on the wp_options table.
    It could by something like this, but with Taxonomies:

    I have a taxonomy called “Person”, and I have many fields. For example, I would like to filter by sex and country.

    Is there any function that allows me to do this? Or should I work with WP-Query?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi @funack

    I am yet to find a solution for this.

    As discussed in the old support thread:

    Term meta is stored in the wp_options table (as there is no ‘default’ meta table for terms). Each option_name is prefixed with the taxonomy name + term_id

    Like this:

    category_2_image => 123

    I don’t think it is possible to perform a meta query due to the way data is stored.

    Perhaps you could look at another term_meta solution?

  • Hi,

    I’m just finding myself in the same situation. (about 1,5 years later.. )
    Luckily for me my needs are in the wp admin backend so performance is not crucial.

    The only solution I can think of is to fetch all terms, loop through them and check for the value using get_field. Not pretty and wont work when you have thousands of terms but for a smaller amount and in backend it should be fine.

  • I’m a little late to this party but I was at my wits’ end figuring this out and managed to nail it.

    I have a custom taxonomy called issue which has a custom field issue_date (date picker field). I wanted to add a custom column in the taxonomy edit screen to sort my issues by their dates. Here is what I came up with:

    Step 1: Add the new Date column

    function issue_columns($issue_columns) {
      $issue_columns['date'] = 'Date';
      return $issue_columns;
    add_filter('manage_edit-issue_columns', 'issue_columns');

    Step 2: Populate the new Date column

    function manage_issue_columns($out, $column_name, $term_id) {
      $issue = get_term($term_id, 'issue');
      $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd', get_field('issue_date', $issue));
      switch($column_name) {
        case 'date': 
          $out = $date->format('Y/m/d');
      return $out;    
    add_filter('manage_issue_custom_column', 'manage_issue_columns', 10, 3);

    Step 3: Make the new Date column sortable

    function my_sortable_issue_column($columns) {
      $columns['date'] = 'issue_date';
      return $columns;
    add_filter('manage_edit-issue_sortable_columns', 'my_sortable_issue_column');

    Step 4: Define the custom sorting (where the magic happens)

    function sort_issues_by_date_column($pieces, $tax, $args) {
      global $pagenow;
      if(!is_admin()) {
      if(is_admin() && $pagenow == 'edit-tags.php' && $tax[0] == 'issue' && (!isset($_GET['orderby']) || $_GET['orderby'] == 'issue_date')) {
        $pieces['join']   .= " INNER JOIN wp_options AS opt ON opt.option_name = concat('issue_',t.term_id,'_issue_date')";
        $pieces['orderby'] = "ORDER BY opt.option_value";
        $pieces['order']   = isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : "DESC";
      return $pieces;
    add_filter('terms_clauses', 'sort_issues_by_date_column', 10, 3);

    For reference, my date picker field setting returns the date in the format Ymd.

    If anyone has any improvements or questions please let me know!

  • Cool 🙂 Thanks for the share @cfxd

    Also, there are now native term meta on the horizon in WPs development so I’m looking forward to seeing that!

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