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ACF taxonomy custom field not linking to post

  • Have a problem.

    I created a custom post type: Projects
    With a custom taxonomy linked to it named: location_group

    It is linked by a relational taxonomy select field. When I create a new project and assign it a location_group taxonomy through the acf field it doesnt get added to the taxonomy list. So when I go to the taxonomy list the selected term is still empty even though it is selected. However when I add it through the taxonomy meta box on the side it does get added.

    Please help

    Edit: Just noticed if I create a relational taxonomy field for just basic categories it also does not link up.

    Edit2: Using a normal post rather than custom does not link up either.

  • Did not realise there was a save term option. That really should be default.

    Thank-you for the awesome plugin anyhow!

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