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ACF Styling strange, UI Broken

  • Possibly something specific happened incorrectly with my wordpress install but… with ACF 4.4.1 and WordPress 4.2.1 I’m seeing the following when trying to edit custom fields…

    As a follow up question, does anyone know, if I uninstall (delete files) and re-install ACF and ACF Repeater will my custom fields still be there?

    In the backend, using Chrome but seeing the same in Safari

    screenshot 1

    screenshot 2

  • I just moved the site, exactly as is (same wordpress install) to my server and the issue disappeared. So it’s only happening on my local server, and I presume something to do with the stylesheet although I don’t see any errors in requesting or serving the file.

    I’ll close the issue because I guess it’s localized to my server config but I’m still curious what the problem could be.

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