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ACF select outputs 'array'

  • Hi, I’m trying to get the label and value of an select option but the output says ‘array’. I followed up some code from the acf website, but it’s not working for me.

    This is my code. (the @acf repeater is from the blade engine plugin)

    I want to show the value from $activitySelect in the li.single-event and the label in the a em.event-name. but the output show ‘array’

    <ul  class="d-md-flex">
    			<?php $day = get_sub_field('day');  ?>
    			<li class="events-group flex-fill">
    				<div class="top-info"><span>{{$day}}</span></div>
    						$activitySelect = get_sub_field_object('activity');
    						$value = $activitySelect['value'];
    						$label = $activitySelect['label'];
    						// $activity = get_sub_field('activity'); 
    						// $day = get_sub_field('day'); 
    						$start = get_sub_field('start'); 
    						$end = get_sub_field('end'); 
    					<li class="single-event" data-start="{{$start}}" data-end="{{$end}}" data-content="event-abs-circuit" data-event="{{$label}}">
    						<a href="#0">
    							<em class="event-name">{{$value}}</em>

    My settings in the repeater field is on show both label and value.

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