1. The number input doesn’t use min/max settings.
You just need to add these two lines (file class-acf-field-range.php):
$html .= acf_get_text_input(array(
'type' => 'number',
'id' => $atts['id'] .'-alt',
'value' => $atts['value'],
'step' => $atts['step'],
'min' => $atts['min'],
'max' => $atts['max'],
'style' => 'width: '. (1.8 + $len*0.7) .'em;'
2. Would be good to have an event, which is triggered after the field value has been changed. Something like (file acf-input.js):
acf.fields.range = acf.field.extend({
events: {
focus: function(){
_change: function(e){
Hi @misterr
Please create a new support request via https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/new-ticket/ to send this request directly to Elliot.
Thanks @misterr I had the same problem and you solved it!