I’m having this realy weird behavior, after update in:
ACF Pro: Version 5.6.2 (This is the only plug-in activated)
WordPress: 4.8.1, with custom theme.
Picture 01:
The fields are not loading. And the location rules is ignored. Eg “Kunde info” should not be on this page.
Picture 02:
Styling in the settings is….special
Pictures 03:
Another styling issue – here in the repeater
Any ideas?
*SOLVED* (my bad!)
DOH – it seems that it does not like this function:
/*Function to defer or asynchronously load scripts*/
function js_async_attr($tag){
# Do not add defer or async attribute to these scripts
$scripts_to_exclude = array();
foreach($scripts_to_exclude as $exclude_script){
if(true == strpos($tag, $exclude_script ) )
return $tag;
# Defer or async all remaining scripts not excluded above
return str_replace( ' src', ' defer="defer" src', $tag );
add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'js_async_attr', 10 );