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ACF Option Page + WPML always output default language

  • I created an “Option Page”. The fields created there should be translated in English and Japanese with WPML plugin. To do that I create the fields in the main language “English”. I then change language to japanese from the menu bar. In the new page there are no fields copied, so I create new ones and those are properly saved.
    However on the front end it always show the fields saved in English and disregard the ones saved in Japanese.

    the code I use to create the Option Page is as follows:

    add_action('acf/init', 'wpml_acf_init');
    function wpml_acf_init() {
        if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) {
                'page_title' 	=> __('Shop Page Options', 'amtheme'),
    	    'menu_title' 	=> __('Shop Page Options', 'amtheme'),
                'menu_slug'     => 'shop-page-options',
                'parent'        => 'edit.php?post_type=product',
                'capability'    => 'edit_posts',
                'redirect'      => false

    Everything is updated to the latest version:
    Advanced Custom Fields Multilingual is installed.
    Group fields are set to “Translate” in the WPML Multilingual Content Setup

    but I can’t seems to output the translated fields.

    To note that in the WPML Multilingual Content Setup the fields used are not visible even tho the “Field Groups” are set to translatable and the group is duplicated for the second language.

    Is there any way to make this work properly?

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