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ACF not updating my fields anymore

  • Hi, hope someone can help with this. I’ve set up ACF with Elementor Pro on a website. I’m using ACF in the pricelist widget of Elementor Pro with Dynamic Tags. So I’ve set-up prices in the ACF fields on the WordPress page, but now when I want to update the prices it won’t change. So for instance it now was 21 when I set it to 25 and after pressing publish it will go back to 21 in the ACF field and it will not update.

    I’ve not set any standard value in the ACF fields itself. When I make a new field and set the price that does work, also updating that new field works. I’ve not set-up any caching yet or anything as this website is still under construction.

    I am using the latest updates of Elementor Pro and ACF. Anyone with similair issues that has a fix or fixed it?

  • Nevermind, stupidly enough I forgot I made some the same fieldlabel, so that’s why ACF had issues. This can be closed.

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