Hi there,
I’m having an issue with ACF 4.3.8 on WP 4.0 (And 3.9) where any fields set to appear on my homepage don’t save in the back end. The fields appear in the back-end, but whenever I try to save the changes nothing is saved.
But if I change the ACF fields to appear on another page, then they update without any issue.
I have recorded a video so you can see it in action, but I have no idea where to begin to fix it.
Anyone have any ideas?
I have exactly the same issue…
EDIT: I’ve just deleted the original homepage and created a new one – This one seems fine to edit/update. Whether it relates to me renaming the original WordPress ‘Sample Page’ to the Homepage, I’m not too sure.
Got the same problem, anyone solved it yet? 🙁
Same problem. I gotta solve this or I’ll miss my deadline. *Break down crying*
Ahhh, Yup, nailed it. Guys, do as industriousmouse told, delete the old page and then create a new home page. Worked like a charm.
Remove old page and create a new page, then assign your custom fields group to that new page works for me.
I can confirm deleting the original page and reassigning the custom fields to the newly created page has fixed this.
Thanks guys