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acf.Model event when changing from edit to preview mode

  • I use the change event to listen for changes on certain fields when in preview mode so I can run a script.
    Like so:

    var instance = new acf.Model({
    events: {
    'change': 'onChange'
    onChange: function(e, $el){
    //run code


    It works great. But if a user clicks into edit mode, makes their change. Then clicks the button to switch to preview mode, I need to find an event to listen to so I can run a script on the rendered HTML like I do for the change event.

    Thank you!

  • The answer is this simple bit of code (

    if( window.acf ) {
      window.acf.addAction( 'render_block_preview/type=accordion', function( $elem, blockDetails ) {
        initializeElement( $elem );
      } );

    And this bit from this article helps if you change the namespace to target your block(
    “If you use a namespace other than “acf/” you need to use the full block name in the callback, so: render_block_preview/type=cwp/tip”

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