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ACF Link not saving rel="nofollow" option

  • Hi there,

    I think the title is pretty clear 🙂
    Using the ACF Link field and whenever I save the field with one of the “rel” attributes (nofollow or sponsored) option checked, the option stays unchecked.

    So I cannot retrieved the nofollow data programmatically.
    I tried different configuration in the field settings (return link url and link array), but nothing seems to work.

    Only the target _blank (Open link ion new tab) is saved in the database.

    Has anybody the same issue?

    Thanks a lot,

  • Actually I’ve found the culprit: those options are coming from RankMath plugin. I thought they were coming from your plugin.
    This explains why we cannot save those 2 options:

    Thanks anyway 🙂


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