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ACF JS API: Add Repeater Row in Flexible Content Sub Field

  • I’ve exhaustedly searched for a solution to this. I’m trying to create a new row in a nested repeater found within Flexible Content. Other solutions have said it should be as simple as

    repeater = acf.getField('field_62bc554f17508');

    Yet it returns no new row. At all. I’ve also tried:
    $('[data-key="field_62bc554f17508"] .acf-actions a').trigger('click');

    Which does add a new row in the HTML, but running a output of the console, it looks like the new row that is added, isn’t rendered correctly as the length still of the repeater variable still says it’s only 1 row present. What am I doing wrong that I can’t trigger this programmatically from the JS API when the ACF source code shows that I am indeed doing things correctly.

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