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ACF Issues after updating to WP 4.2.1

  • I recently updated a site to WP 4.2.1. It is using the latest version of ACF. It is using Repeater 1.1.1 and Options Page 1.2.0 and the homepage sliders are missing. The code is there when you view source, but the slider area does’t show up. The backend where the custom fields are listed looks fine.

    Thing is, the bottom of the site is using similar code and it works fine.

    I’m going to paste the code for the slider area below. This is all within the Loop. Any insight would be appreciated.

    <section class=”slides”>
    <?php $slider_imgs = get_field(‘home_slider’, $post->ID); ?>

    <nav class=”slide-navigator”>
    <ul class=”clearfix”>

    <?php for ($index=0; $index < count($slider_imgs); $index++) {
    $href_id = “#slide_” . $index;

    <li class=”track-event” data-eventdata=”Home/SlideshowBarClick/Slide”>
    ” class=”<?php echo ($index==0)? ” active”:””; ?>”>

    <?php } ?>


    <?php for ($index=0; $index < count($slider_imgs); $index++) {
    $slider_img = $slider_imgs[$index];
    $id = “slide_” . $index;
    <article class=”slide<?php echo ($index==0)? ” active”:””; ?>” id=”<?=$id?>”>
    <div class=”slide-inner”>
    <div class=”slide-background” data-bg=”<?=$slider_img[‘slide_image’][‘url’]?>” data-bgmobile=”<?=$slider_img[‘slide_image’][‘url’]?>”></div>
    <div class=”text-overlay”>
    <div class=”clearfix”></div>
    ” class=”slide_btn”>learn more

    <div class=”arrow-bounce-container”>
    <i class=”arrow-bounce”></i>


  • please when you post code:
    wrap code with code tags (at top over textfield where you write your forum-post-entry you have code mark your code and press that button, than it will be formatted, much better for readability. do that before first submit.)

    (if) you have forgotten that:
    please edit your post, copy-paste code form original and replace existing not formatted code, mark new inserted code and click on code. save/submit forum post again

    hard to say what is wrong when you say one slider works with the same code. one thing i had to ask is: did slider support multiple instances on same site?
    if yes, we probably cant help without link to frontpage where we may can see more (for example if there are some js or css problems)

  • @mediawerk Thanks for the help, I apologize for not formatting the code properly.

    At this point after much digging I am wondering if it is a javascript issue. I am punting back to the client to have them contact the original developer.

    Thanks again for your help!

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