Hi there,
I have created some Flexible Content Fields using ACF and I have created styled section templates to display the information using Bricks Builder. Then I made another template for the flexible content using PHP and I have run into an issue.
While the Flexible content template displays the section templates with the information I have in the fields, the issue is that if I have a second instance of a flexible layout with different information, it will repeat the information I have in the first instance and not add the new unique information, which is the point of flexible content. Is there a fix for this? Have I made an error? Here is the code I am using for the template if that helps sort this out.
<?PHP if( have_rows(‘test_layouts’) ): while ( have_rows(‘test_layouts’) ) : the_row(); if( get_row_layout() == ‘test_heading_section’ ): echo do_shortcode(‘[bricks_template id=”102″]’); elseif( get_row_layout() == ‘test_image_section’ ): echo do_shortcode(‘[bricks_template id=”109″]’); endif; endwhile; else : endif; ?>
I don’t understand your issue and I am not familiar with Bricks Builder. You’re going to need to add more detail to this. I don’t even know enough to know what specific information to ask for.