I creating a form using various ACF fields.
For the “file” field, I want to customize the folder location for each of the file fields.
I have 3 scenarios:
Simple file upload field with name file1 – should be located to wp-content/uploads/simple-files
File field with the group field – should be located to wp-content/uploads/groups
Field Structure: Group 1 -> File 1 AND Field Path: uploads/groups/group1/file1
Field Structure: Group 1 -> File 2 AND Field Path: uploads/groups/group1/file2
File field with group field and the repeater field – should be located to wp-content/uploads/group-repeat
Field Structure: Group 1-> Repeater -> File 1 AND Field Path: uploads/groups/group-repeat1/repeater1/file1
Field Structure: Group 1-> Repeater -> File 2 AND Field Path: uploads/groups/group-repeat1/repeater1/file2
Please help he understand how I can achieve this using ACF hooks.
This topic has come up many times here. A do not remember all of the specifics but there have been others that have solved this. You should take a look at some of those discussions.
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