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ACF File – Preview of document

  • I’m unsure how to do this, but I’m trying to get a preview of a document, PDF or image. So instead of that placeholder image below, I’d like to to show the same size preview.


  • There isn’t any way to change the icon shown by ACF.

    There are 2 hooks that might be used to alter what is displayed.

    The first is acf/prepare_field There isn’t much documentation on this one, but I don’t think it will let you do what you want to do. You’d need to figure that out.

    The other hook is acf/render_field This hook also will not do what you want but it would let you add html to the field to show additional information, like a thumbnail of an image. I can’t say if you can show a PDF or other file type. You can see an example of using acf/render_field used to show and image for a URL field here

  • Hello,

    I had same issue and make this hook for it:

    	function acf_change_icon_on_files ( $icon, $mime, $attachment_id ){ // Display thumbnail instead of document.png
    		if ( strpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '/wp-admin/upload.php' ) === false && $mime === 'application/pdf' ){
    			$get_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src ( $attachment_id, 'thumbnail' );
    			if ( $get_image ) {
    				$icon = $get_image[0];
    		return $icon;
    	add_filter( 'wp_mime_type_icon', 'acf_change_icon_on_files', 10, 3 );
  • Old one but here’s a quick way to do this:

    add_filter( 'acf/load_attachment', 'custom_load_attachment', 10, 3);
    function custom_load_attachment ($response, $attachment, $meta){
      if ($response['type'] == 'image'){
        $response['icon'] = $response['sizes']['thumbnail'];
      return $response;
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