Hi all, I’m using the ACF field to create and manage my custom post types
So far i have created an ACF with multiple groups and multiple fields inside those groups.
The ACF is displayed on a form on front-end and the posts are stored correctly under my custom Taxonomy.
The issue I’m facing is while displaying the Single Post, where I cannot present any of the custom fields but only title/author/date.
I found a YT video [07:55] that demonstrates how to add a ACF Field using the Theme Editor
But for me the ACF Field is not present there! Is it because of my Theme – Blocksy, or could it be due to another reason?

Did you ever resolve this issue? I am also having this issue. I watched the same tutorial, but I can not add the ACF fields when they are not present in the theme customizer.
Hey just updating this for future guests visiting this support ticket.
1) you must be using the paid version of Blocksy to access this.
2) You need to enable Post Types Extra to use this feature.
You can find the toggle for the latter here: