possible bug (Latest ACF, WP 5.9.2)
* set a condition for fields as Post Type = Some Post Type, Post Taxonomy = Some Value
* create a new custom post
* add the taxonomy Some Value to the post
=> observe the ACF fields will now appear automatically due to the taxonomy matching the condition
* enter some values into the ACF fields
* publish
* refresh the page
=> observe ACF field values are missing
can anybody else confirm this issue?
Is this when using guberbug gutenberg?
Hi John,
It was yes but I’ll check without and report back.
@hube2 yes essentially that
if i add the “Disable Gutenberg” plugin then the fields wont reload until I publish with the taxonomy first time anyway which reloads the page. After that the fields save fine
it’s the Guternberg / Ajax metabox loading that’s causing the problem as mentioned by Liam in the issue above