I have an ACF wysiwyg editor where I need to put a link in as raw text/html
<a class="home-hero-tc-cta" href="https://web.com/pagename?utm_campaign=campaign%20name&utm_source=Homepage%20Hero&utm_medium=From%20the%20homepage">Register Now</a>
but it remove the question mark and breaks so it does
<a class="home-hero-tc-cta" href="https://web.com/pagenameutm_campaign=campaign%20name&utm_source=Homepage%20Hero&utm_medium=From%20the%20homepage">Register Now</a>
and it 404s.
>For the text field for custom scripts, is it a WYSIWYG field or just a textarea field? WordPress does not like scripts in WYSIWYG fields, it will remove them altogether if on the Visual Editor portion and saving. If on HTML view, they likely would be retained but in general WP does not want scripts/HTML code in WYSIWYG fields.
It’s WYSIWYG and its not a script
not backslashes
I can’t find anything online explaining this.
How do you keep question marks in WYSIWYG editor in wordpress acf to keep question marks in url