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ACF Field range display problem with small values

  • When using Field range with small values, (e.g.: from 0 to 5 with an increment of 0.01) the field display only the first two characters the rest is hidden.

    Screen capture of the problem

    the only way I found through this is to hack the ‘class-act-fiel-range.php’
    and change the hardcoded value of ‘1.8’ to say ‘3.8’.

    $html .= acf_get_text_input(array(
    				'type'	=> 'number',
    				'id'	=> $atts['id'] . '-alt',
    				'value'	=> $atts['value'],
    				'step'	=> $atts['step'],
    				//'min'	=> $atts['min'], // removed to avoid browser validation errors
    				//'max'	=> $atts['max'],
    				'style'	=> 'width: ' . (1.8 + $len * 0.7) . 'em;'

    But of course every time the plug-in has an update i loose my changes.

    Anyone has an idea to solve this problem ?

  • The best way to get this corrected will be to contact the developer here

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