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ACF drag and drop between flexible fields

  • Hi,

    I’m trying to add a function that makes it possible to drag and drop different row layouts between different flexible fields. I use ACF as a page builder. The idea is that user can drag an element (for ex. an image) from the left column to the right column.

    I managed to make this possible with the script below. The only problem is when I hit preview or save the page the changes are stored in the database.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    This goes into the functions.php

    // Add ACF script to admin footer
    function my_acf_input_admin_footer() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        $( ".values" ).sortable({
          connectWith: ".values"
    add_action('acf/input/admin_footer', 'my_acf_input_admin_footer');
  • This is a great idea. I’d love to see this actually working. I tried your code and it works inside the editor. The post doesn’t save correctly though.

  • I’ve logged a feature request that does something similar. Despite the title referencing repeaters, the base idea is dragging ‘flexible content layouts’ between multiple instances of the same ‘flexible content field’

    It’s here:

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