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ACF datepicker value not working after wp import

  • Hello ,

    Iam moving my theme which has ACF pro (especially the datepicker field) from host a (where its working perfectly fine) to host b .

    I did export/import of the xml file. everything moved normally except the datepicker value which is breaking the listing in the admin side and front end.

    any idea on how to fix this?

    if i edit the post i get the correct datepicker value however in the listing of posts its breaking up on the first post directly on the date value.

    add_filter('manage_edit-issue_columns', 'edit_issue_columns');

    function edit_issue_columns($columns) {

    $columns = array(
    ‘cb’ => ‘<input type=”checkbox” />’,
    ‘featured_image’ => __(‘Issue Image’),
    ‘title’ => __(‘Title’),
    ‘issue_number’ => __(‘Issue Number’),
    ‘issue_date’ => __(‘Issue Date’)

    return $columns;

  • What does your filter for manage_issues_posts_custom_column look like?

    Are you getting any PHP errors?

    Turn on error display

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);

    My guess is that there’s something different about the two servers that might be causing it.

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