I’ve added a status field to a taxonomy term.
The term status can be : OPEN, PENDING, CLOSE
I want to add a check that at any time only one term is OPEN and all the rest are PENDING or CLOSE.
I’ve found ACF_validate_value for adding custum validation, but it says the filter was added on version 5.0.0 while WP plugins iste says the latest version is 4.3.9 (???)
Surprisingly enough (NOT) it does not work on my ACF (4.3.9) Is there any other way to add custom validation to this ? (I though about adding JQuery to admin footer, as last option)
Any idea when 5.0.0 will be released for WP ?
Hi @hannit
The acf/validate_value filter was added to verion 5 of the ACF plugin and is only available for the the Pro version.