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ACF Blocks support for Block Inspector Tabs

  • Having an option in the ACF UI to assign fields to a specific Block Inspector tab in the Gutenberg block editor sidebar would be really useful. It would keep things organized and align more with the default block editor user experience.

    Currently, I’m using ACF tabs to do this, which is not ideal and becomes unmanageable when handling a large number of blocks or blocks with many fields.

  • Hey Glen,

    We’ve had this thought too, and even played around with some proof of concepts here – but we’re not happy with the fixed width of the sidebar; some field types literally do not work properly in such a small space.

    We’ve also had some initial discussions with the Gutenberg team about this problem. Whilst we can invent some kind of new expanding UI which would handle this, we’d much rather try and get the block editor to consider our use case so all plugins have the ability to handle this case properly.

    We’ll have more on this in the coming months as we begin to modernise our block editor experience into a more native feel.


  • Yes this would be amazing! Also place it in de sidebar per ACF field Group.

    In that way we can create two Field groups:
    1. Settings for the block
    2. Content for the block

    Right now im making a FAQ repeater (title,text,button). This has to be placed in the editor. But my standard cloned settings would be better in the sidebar.

    This is not posible now.

  • @lgladdy

    Yes, I also ran into issues with how narrow the sidebar is. I ended up overriding the width set by Gutenberg with some custom admin CSS.

    It’s not ideal, but it does work reliably.

  • @tatof Yes, that’s a good call out. It would make it even easier to group multiple fields that should be placed in their respective Inspector Tabs.

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